Well, first of all, I am sorry for not writing my blog for a long time. I am kinda busy lately. Hmm, in this section, I just wanna tell all of you an experience of my friends. Its about love, indeed.
The story began, when my friend remember her memories back then with her best boyfriend she had ever had.
One nice day, she met this guy. The guy was in the same class with her. Well, the guy started to approach her at the end of the month. They studied together. The guy always referred to her about questions and answers. They both became closed as time goes by. In the examination, as expected, both of them got reliable marks. Good job then! That time, almost summer break. So, everybody should have get their things packed up. Same goes to both of them. Before that, theres a birthdaay party, our friend, Amir in the classroom. we all played things around. Everybody got messed up. but, he often knock her down, throw things to her, teased her and more purposely. Something was fishy there. Evening rose. Well, literally, she didnt expect that the guy would take a bus to go back home. Out of sudden, he got into the bus that Friday night. Hmm, suspiciously, deep in her heart she didnt feel good about this. She just ignored her feeling.
During summer break, suddenly, she got a text from the guy. Well, she aint saw that would come. So, they had some unofficially text and messages during the time. The guy was so kind to her. Summer break ended. They got back to school. Out of nowhere, the guy didnt greet her at all. Out of sudden! Surprisingly! She felt mad towards him everytime she said something even a word to him because there would be no answer. She ignored him for about few days. She kept her feeling inside. She started to begin to worry, sad, gloomy about that guy. After a few days respectively, theres rumours saying that the guy was in to her. It was so shameful experiences.
It was spreading rapidly throughout the year. Both of them were shy indeed. In each classes, such as History, Mathematics and others, both of them always got tease from others. Even outside of the class, the same situation happened. Ohh, she felt so ashamed! Gaahh! During Eid, on 251008, she was so on top of the world. It was just like a guy asked to go to prom with him! On that remarkable date, they was declared as couple.
They went throughout for about two years. They had been in many obstacles together. They had created memories together. Based on my observation, they quite need each other during their third year. that year, they would having a big examination in their life. They often went and got back from classes together, they studied together, they shared problems together, happy, sad, mad, craziness and all of it together. They always need each other. Both of them also have a lot of in commons in their relationships. Well, the big examination passed. They both succeed with flying colours. Theres an offer to further study which mostly everybody applied the form. The result had to be wait for few months. During that particular months, they both worried about their seperation. But, the guy always said to her that, ' Even we are far, theres nothing can across my mind to forget you. If you got the offer, it is for your own good, my dear. I will wait for you until the end of time. my love is eternity just for you. Dont worry much.' She felt peace and hoping that it would become a dream come true.
The result was revealed. Unluckily, both of them had to stay at the same place where they studied now. New year came. Well, they were not in the same class anymore. She always worried about that thing. She couldnt be far from him. Maybe but she tried. The guy always remind him, ' We are not like in south or north pole dear, our calss are next to each other. Its like, you are next to me, and I am next to you. Theres nothing to worry about. Okaay, I'll promise that every breaktime, I will call you, so that we can have break together?'. She felt so pleasant after heard that. As time goes by, they often met each other. They totally often met each other. Really often. Maybe because of not in the same class anymore. Somehow, in their meetings, the guy wass surely made a meeting with her. Not her. Hmm, the year was tough. So, she lessen the meetings between him. But, the guy was so persistent to meet. Thats why they often met. When they met, the guy always told her that, 'Iloveyou, Idontwantanybodyelse, Imissyou,'. She was feeling great.

As time goes by, they officially not meeting each other. Both were busy. She was busy studying as him was busy with his life and occasions, sports. The Semester examination was around the corner. She was really worried about the guy's study as it was his future. She prayed for him. She only could wish him luck was aside him.
On 180511, on the first examination, she received a text from the guy. Well, they had been stopped texting for quite a long time. Once she opened it, I saw tears dropped within her cheeks. I read the text, 'My love, I am sorry, but I cannot lied myself anymore. I tried to love you for all these years, but I cant. My heart was with someone else for all this time'.
Although I am not the one who was broken up, but my heart also scratched and tore apart with those mean words. I saw my friend cried for a long time, such a long time, her heart was devastated, broken inside, tore apart, hummiliated, hina, ashamed, mad, and all of the feelings. I know it was really hard for her to deal with it after what she had been through with him all these years, 2years 6 months and 18 days.
As her friend, I will secure her from anything that could harm her heart again. I believe that, she will someone better in her life. She deserved the way she should be treated by a man. I really hope that the guy will got paid from God and my friend will deserves a better life.
Well, based on my friend's story, Love is strong forces, therefore we should handle and manage with a really strong heart too. Love is also a magical dream to everyone, but it is not if it has ruined your life once. Thus, fight back if love knock you down.